Abortionist tells patients: ‘You learn your lesson’

One abortionist says:

“I tell my patients, don’t come see me again. You should learn your lesson this time.”

E Dorsey Smith Abortion: Healthcare Perspectives (Norwalk, Connecticut: Appleton – Century Crofts, 1982) 193

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Clinic workers “lose professional distance” when patients repeat abortions

“Clinic counselors go to great lengths to help a youngster through an abortion. Despite the emotional stress of the work, they are, as they say, “there for her” from the decision-making stage to the postpartum depression at the end. But if the same 15-year-old becomes a repeater and returns at 16 and at 17, and if she develops a cool attitude towards the counseling experience, the reaction is different. The counselor loses her own professional distance. Joffe says,

The legalization and consequent routinization of abortion has stimulated in the former (the counselor) new questions about the morality of abortion. For the latter (the client), this very same routinization seems to have had the opposite effect.”

Gary Crum, Thelma McCormack Abortion: Pro-Choice or Pro-Life? (Washington, DC: The American University Press, 1992) 104

They are referring to information found in the book Carol Joffe The Regulation of Sexuality (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1986)

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“Some women come in for abortions several times a year” says clinc worker

From one reporter who interviewed clinic workers:

Over the years, [clinic worker] Monastersky has seen it all…[she’s seen] the women who are showing up several times a year and clearly using abortion as birth control, a practice that makes Monastersky wince with disapproval.

Linda Feldmann “Abortion: Uneasy Day at the Clinic” The Christian Science Monitor JANUARY 22, 1998

7 wk dia

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Woman had 17 abortions

From an abortionist who practiced abroad:

“Many women in the present day have as many as a dozen abortions…I even had a patient who had 23 pregnancies- 17 abortions and 6 kids.”

Miriam Claire The Abortion Dilemma: Personal Views on a Public Issue (New York: Insight Books, 1995) 28

Abortion has been extremely frequent in Eastern Europe and Russia.

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Woman having 5th abortion: it’s a bummer, but no big stress

An article in The Los Angeles Times profiles an abortionist and describes several of his patients. from the article:

The last patient of the day, a 32-year-old college student named Stephanie, has had four abortions in the last 12 years. She keeps forgetting to take her birth control pills. Abortion “is a bummer,” she says, “but no big stress.”

Stephanie Simon “Offering Abortion, Rebirth” The Los Angeles Times 29 November 2005

7 weeks
7 weeks


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Abortionist: some women use abortion as birth control

One abortion provider said the following:

“For some it is definitely a kind of birth control. These women are on their 6th one. They have a troubled family situation, and you feel it’s in the best interest for the possible future child. In some ways I do feel that – but it doesn’t make it any more pleasant.”

Jack Hitt “Who Will Do Abortions Here” in The Ethics of Abortion, 3rd edition, edited by Robert M Baird and Stuart E Rosenbaum (Amherst, New York: Prometheus books, 2001)

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Abortionist upset by women who get second, third, or fourth abortions

The son of an abortionist describes how his father felt about women who came in for repeat abortions:

“Generally, though, he said seeing patients register sadness did not disturb him- what else could be expected from a decision as weighty and personal as this? What did bother him was seeing a patient (and there were some) for her second, third, or fourth abortion, even after she had been counseled to use contraception, and finding that she still acted blasé about it. “That upsets me,” he said.

Eyal Press “Absolute Convictions: My Father, a City, and the Conflict that Divided America” (New York: Henry Holt & company, 2006) P 246-247

He is not the only abortionist or clinic worker to feel troubled about women who have repeat abortions. Here are some other quotes by clinic workers and doctors about the ambivalence and sometimes outright disgust they feel toward repeat aborters. This raises an interesting question – if abortion is simply a removal of cells, and end of her pregnancy, a simple procedure, why is it troubling to providers when women have multiple abortions? If abortion was not the killing of a baby, why would it matter if a woman had one or 5 or 10? Quotes like the show the clinic workers, who see the bodies of aborted babies daily, know that abortion is much more than simply removing some cells or “terminating a pregnancy.”

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Abortionist “wants to beat the sh*t” out of one of his patients who had multiple abortions

From one abortion worker:

“I have one kid here, seventeen, who’s just had her 3rd abortion… I want to beat the sh*t out of her. I want to put her through the damn wall. “What’s the matter with you?” I say to her. Every time she thinks a relationship is going on the rocks, she gets pregnant. Then she has an abortion and starts up a new relationship. She swears every time she has an abortion that she won’t screw again. I tell her screwing isn’t the problem, protection is.”

Linda bird Francke The Ambivalence of Abortion (New York: Random House, 1978) 182

If abortion is a procedure that just “removes some cells” or “terminates a pregnancy” then why would it bother them that their patient has had so many? If there is nothing wrong with abortion, why shouldn’t a woman have 2, or 3, or 12? The reality is, clinic workers and abortionists see the bodies of aborted babies daily – they know that abortion is not something to take lightly. Read more about repeat abortions and providers feelings about them

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Clinic worker “uncomfortable” about repeat abortions

From an  clinic worker:

The patients who have had more than three abortions are few and far between. But, the fact of the matter is there are women who will present in a clinic five, six, seven times for a procedure.

This makes a lot of people, myself included, uncomfortable on some level.


It makes one wonder – pro-choicers insist that abortion is not the killing of a baby, merely the removal of some cells or the termination of a pregnancy. A fetus is not a child, they say.  If this is true, then why do so many clinic workers get upset when women have repeat abortions? If abortion is benign, and does not harm women are kill children, why is it wrong for woman to have five or six or seven or eight abortions? Or 20 abortions? But the clinic workers know that abortion is bloody, dehumanizing, and results in the dead body of an aborted baby. And so do many other people, deep down. This is why so many pro-choicers as well as clinic workers are troubled by repeat abortions. To more read quotes from clinic workers expressing distress at women who have multiple abortions, go here


Above: sonogram at 12 weeks.Click here to see pictures of what these babies look like after being aborted

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Clinic worker Sallie Tisdale on women who have abortions

From clinic worker Sallie Tisdale:

“A twenty-one-year-old woman, unemployed, uneducated, without family, in the fifth month of her fifth pregnancy. A forty-two-year-old mother of teenagers, shocked by her condition, refusing to tell her husband. A twenty-three-year-old mother of two having her seventh abortion, and many women in their thirties having their first. . . .Oh, the ignorance . . . .Some swear they have not had sex, many do not know what a uterus is, how sperm and egg meet, how sex makes babies. . . .They come so young, snapping gum, sockless and sneakered, and their shakily applied eyeliner smears when they cry. . . .I cannot imagine them as mothers.”

“We do abortions here” Harper’s Magazine. Quoted in Jason Deparle, “Beyond the Legal Right; Why Liberals and Feminists Don’t like to Talk about the Morality of Abortion,” Washington Monthly Apr. 1989

1st trimester. The majority of abortions are done at this time


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