Baby born alive after an abortion, lived for 10 hours

Loran Denison was pregnant with her fourth child, who was diagnosed with Edwards Syndrome. She had an abortion, but her son was born alive. Doctors didn’t treat the baby, but his heart kept beating for 10 hours as she held him. She named her son Kiyo Bleu.

Denison tells her story:

They told me he had typical Edwards’ Syndrome so would pass away before or just after birth. My boy had a lion heart.

I thought I had done the hard bit when I made the difficult decision to have an abortion, but now it feels ten times worse.

I just want other mums to know in case this happens to them.

I had to watch his heartbeat getting slower and watch his life draining out of him.

You just want to keep your children alive. It was like torture.

None of the doctors thought he would be born alive.

When my partner picked him up after he was born he said ‘his heart is beating’, and they said ‘no way’.

When I took the first tablet on the sixth they said it would stop the pregnancy, heartbeat and everything, so we expected he wouldn’t be alive when he was born.

They didn’t check for a heartbeat before inducing labour, and I wish they had.

I don’t have words for how awful it was…

They said his heart will stop in the next half hour, and I kept ringing the bell to say he was still alive, and I said ‘do you just leave him’ and they said ‘yes.'”

I don’t even have a word for how horrible it feels. There is a person I’ve read about who has survived with Edwards’ Syndrome to 40.

Kiyo Bleu was so strong now I wonder if he would have survived. His heartbeat was so strong you could feel it.

If I had known he would be born alive I probably would have made a different decision.

I thought I was doing the right thing but now I think I have done the wrong thing.”

Katie Pounds “MUM’S AGONY My abortion failed and I had to give birth to a live baby who died 10 hours later – it broke my heart” The Sun 10 May 2021

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Clinic worker talks about living aborted baby holding on to mother

Pro-Choice author Magda Denes quoted an abortion worker who said that two babies were born alive in her clinic in one week:

“There was one week when there were two live births in the same week. And just, you know, there’s this baby crying on the floor while all these women are in the process of trying to deal with their feelings about aborting their babies. One survived for a while.

[Denes] how did the mothers react who gave birth to the live babies?

Well. This one, she didn’t talk much. The mother delivered when there was no one there and there was some period when the mother was holding the baby. And it was grabbing onto her.… She was extremely upset by this whole thing.”

Magda Denes, PhD. In Necessity and Sorrow: Life and Death in an Abortion Hospital (New York: Basic Books inc 1976) 79

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Two babies- one aborted alive, one born premature

Dr. Ron Paul, Republican politician, told the following story in a campaign commercial:

“I happened to have walked into an operating room where they were doing an abortion on a late pregnancy. They lifted out a small baby that was able to cry and breathe and they put it in a bucket and put it in the corner of the room and pretended it wasn’t there.

I walked down the hallway and a baby was born early — slightly bigger than the baby they put in the bucket and they wanted to save this baby. So they might have had 10 doctors in there doing everything conceivable [to save that baby’s life].

Who are we to decide that we pick and throw one away and pick up and struggle to save the other ones[?] … Unless we resolve this and understand that life is precious and we must protect life, we can’t protect liberty.”

Quoted in Sarah Terzo “Workers share how babies who survive abortions are killed or left to die” Live Action News April 11, 2013

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Abortionist tells of living aborted baby delivered into toilet

Abortionist Dr. Kathi Aultman writes about one woman’s abortion experience:

“For years I performed abortions before becoming pro-life. While I was actively practicing as an OB-GYN, a woman came to me suffering from prolonged bleeding from a late-term abortion.

What she told me was shocking. She described being given medication and then being left in a cold room overnight with no blanket or call button. The next day, she was given more medication, and eventually told to sit on the toilet and push. She delivered a living 20-week-old baby boy into the toilet, where he drowned.

The experience traumatized her, and she described having emotional problems following the abortion. I knew from experience that this was not an isolated case.”

Aultman says:

“At the time, only six states required abortion clinics to report babies born alive after an abortion attempt to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Florida was not one of them. This meant that cases of infant death after abortion were not included in the agency’s widely quoted 2015 “Abortion Surveillance” report.

Of the six states that did report these numbers between 2003 and 2014, 143 babies were recorded as having died after being born alive after an abortion attempt.”

Kathi Aultman and Rep. Russ Fulcher “Abortion Survivors Deserve a Voice” The Daily Signal June 21, 2019

20 weeks
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Aborted babies born alive were drowned in saline solution

In North Carolina, a bill protecting babies born alive after late-term abortions passed in the state House and Senate but was vetoed by Governor Roy Cooper. During the testimony for Bill 359, Rep. Pat McElraft spoke about her experiences working at a hospital where a late-term abortionist plied his trade. She testified:

You will hear from opponents of Bill 359 that there is no need for this bill. “We don’t have is happening in North Carolina.” I can testify to the fact that infanticide has happened in North Carolina. I’ve been witness to the results of those late-term abortions.…

There was an abortionist in Jacksonville, North Carolina, who was known nationally for performing late term abortions. We heard of many girls who came from other states to North Carolina — Jacksonville, North Carolina, to have their late-term abortions. Even hitchhiking down from New York, some of them did, to come in…

Those were the days when saline abortions were performed. The salt content of the saline was so strong that it burned the little baby’s skin.

Pat McElraft continued:

Nurses told of stories of the babies that were born alive and [had] been taken by the doctor and turned over with their faces down in the saline to drown. Most of the nurses refused to work with this abortionist. He only did his abortions on the weekends.

One day I was on a break, [and] went in to visit with the pathologist in the pathology lab, and I asked him, I said, “What are all these little pigs doing in these buckets?” He told me, “Pat, look again.” And I did. They were perfectly formed little human babies in those buckets. Their skin was even pinker than a normal baby would be, because it had been burned by the saline. Those were the weekend’s abortions.

Sarah Terzo “Eyewitness: Babies born alive after abortion were drowned in salineLive Action News April 23, 2019

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Nurse witnesses baby born alive after an abortion

In a video from the Save the 8th Campaign, Irish nurse Caren Ní hAllacháin described witnessing an abortion at 22 weeks where the baby was born alive. The baby had a “chromosomal abnormality,” possibly Down syndrome

“I wasn’t looking after [the woman having the abortion] directly, but I was on the ward. The other nurse had gone for a break, but I went into the sluice room [where medical waste was taken]. And the baby was in a kidney dish, in the sink where all the clinical waste was. The baby was born alive, and the baby was then taken from the mother – the mother never saw the baby. The baby was put into a kidney dish and brought away from the room, and to the sluice room, and left there just to die.

The baby was the full size of the kidney dish, so the baby was probably a little bit more than the length of my hands. He was small but he was perfect. He had – you could see his toes, his hands, it seemed like he had blonde hair. His eyes were closed. His mouth was open slightly. At first when I saw him, I thought he was actually dead, but I could see the rise and fall of his chest once I looked, because through the shock – he was breathing. And he wasn’t really moving. He had been there at least an hour and a half if not two hours.

I just did not know what to do. But there was nobody treating that baby. That baby was breathing and yet I couldn’t go and ring for the emergency team to come. I couldn’t get oxygen for the baby. I couldn’t put a blanket around the baby. I couldn’t pick the baby up…. the baby was still breathing. I couldn’t treat that baby as any other baby in any other part of that hospital, where you have babies the same age being treated in incubators and being ventilated and being given every assistance to live.

And yet this baby was left… in a kidney dish, which is [a] cold stainless steel metal dish, and just left to die. I had to leave the sluice room. I had to leave the baby there. That part is the hardest part of all because I felt I had abandoned the baby. When I went back the baby had died. The baby wasn’t breathing anymore. So the baby was still in the kidney dish. It was when the other nurse came back that she disposed of the baby’s body.

To see that baby trying to breathe – to see the dignity of him in the kidney dish trying to breathe, and nobody, just nobody there. He is a human being and a person. You can’t deny it. You can’t deny that that child was a son. It is something that will stay with me for the rest of my life. I think the worst part of that is the fact that I wasn’t allowed to do anything. The baby was small, but it was perfect. [He] was perfect. The baby had a cleft lip – that was it.”

Sarah Terzo “Nurse Recalls Baby Born Alive After Abortion “He was Small but Perfect” Live Action News March 6, 2019

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Doctor testifies about removal of living aborted baby’s organs

Fetal tissue research is not a new thing in the 21st century. Fetal organs have been used for experiments even before abortion became legal. In 1973 the State of Connecticut submitted a written interview to the Supreme Court as evidence in an abortion-related case. Dr. Baker (a pseudonym) was asked about medical events at the Yale-New Haven Medical Center.

Q: Was there a case where some type of surgical procedure was performed on a baby after induced abortion?

A: I did not actually observe the operation itself.

Q: Can you tell us anything about it, to the extent that you know?

A: A baby was aborted by hysterotomy. Then it was taken to another room with a medical student.

Q: Did you first observe the baby being taken out of the mother?

A: Yes.

Q: What, if anything, happened then that you observed?

A: It was taken out of the room. Then this medical student followed it.

Q: Do you know why it was taken out of the room?

A: Well, they wanted to get something out of it.

Q: How did you know they were trying to get something out of it?

A: That’s what they said. I just overheard it. They were going to get some kind of abdominal organ, I think it was the liver. I was not very sure.

Q: You overheard from whom, a nurse?

A: From a doctor.

Q: Was this the doctor that was presumably going to take this liver or whatever it was?

A: Yes, and the obstetrician that was performing the operation.

Q: When it was taken out of the room, did it have any movements?

A: It had some movements.

Q: Doctor, prior to the infant leaving the room, did it do anything noteworthy? Any noteworthy bodily functions?

A: Some form of movements of the arm.

Q: Was there any excretions at all?

A: Excretions, urine, yes.

Q: Tell us about that. Can you give us the details?

A: Well I would say when they picked this fetus up by the feet I could see that he urinated, he was a male infant.

Q: It was urinating?

A: Yes

Q: You’re sure of that?

A: Yes.

Q: What, if anything, did they do with the baby afterwards that you observed? They took it out of the room?

A: They just took it out of the room immediately.

Q: Then what, if anything, happened that you observed?

A: Nothing else. It was taken out of the room and I didn’t see it.

Q: Did a medical student accompany it out of the room?

A: The medical student went out.

Q: Then what, if anything, occurred?….

A: The lady doctor proceeded to open the abdomen of the fetus.

Q: You did not see this yourself?

A: No.

Q: This is based on what type of information, if any?

A: On what the medical student told me.

Q: Can you describe how the medical student appeared when he returned?

A: He was sort of pale, he said he felt sort of sick in his stomach. That’s why he left the room and went back to the operating room where I was.

Q: Do you recall what, if anything, the medical student said?

A: He just said that he couldn’t stand it.

Q: Did he show any fear at the sight of blood prior to this incident?

A: No.

Curt Young The Least of These: What Everyone Should Know about Abortion (Chicago, Illinois: Moody Press, 1984) 103-104

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Nurse rocks aborted baby who was born alive

From an article in a medical journal:

“One young nurse…showed how she rocked a fetus in her arms, an aborted fetus which she said had been warm and breathing, one which she would formerly have put in an incubator, but now was supposed to go into formaldehyde.”

John F. McDermottt and Walter F Char “Abortion Repeal in Hawaii, An Unexpected Crisis in Patient Care” American Journal of Orthropsychiatry 41 no. 4, July 1971

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Baby survives abortion, nurse shoves child into biohazard bag

18-year old Sycloria Williams abortion had an abortion at 23 weeks, an age when babies have been born and survived.

“Hardly showing, Sycloria Williams didn‘t realize how far along she was. The second day of her procedure didn‘t go according to plan. She says, ―I was supposed to be asleep for all of this. I wasn‘t supposed to see anything. Just wake up and it will all be over,‖ she had been told. Instead, she was awake when she pushed out a baby, who was still alive. A clinic employee shoved the tiny, twitching, gasping baby into a biohazard bag and took it away while the girl was left in shock. ―”I thought it would be a blob thing, but bigger, not a baby”, she later said.”

Soñé, Daniel, “A Botched Abortion in Mother‘s Own WordsFlorida Catholic February 6, 2009

Quoted in Serena Gaefke 101 Reasons Not to Have an Abortion: A Girl‘s Guide to Informed Choices (2010) 20

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Abortionist admits she’d let a baby born alive after an abortion die

Abortionist was asked about what she would do if she was doing an abortion and a baby was born alive.

“I’ll tell you what I would do if this impossible scenario [of a live birth after during an abortion] were to happen, however: I would do whatever the patient wanted me to. The newborn would be unable to make medical decisions for itself and therefore medical-decision making would legally fall to the parents.”

If the parents wanted to kill the baby then, it look like Torres would do the killing.

She then says:

“Even in cases of 3rd trimester abortion, the fetus is euthanized. This is not only due to the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, but it is also humane medicine. It would be very traumatic to the mother, father (if present), and caregivers (physicians, nurses, etc) if during the induction of the abortion the baby were born alive then left to die. How horrific! Despite popular opinion, we are not monsters. We are physicians who seek to minimize the trauma of this difficult decision.”

Leah Torres “END OF LIFE CARE BEFORE IT BEGINS” April 2, 2013

Personal blog, visisted 3/16/2018

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