Pro-choice man: motherhood makes women “less attractive” and “unstable”

A male pro-choice author gave the following as one of his reasons for being pro-abortion:

“…Physiological changes to the female body after birth may make women not only physically less attractive but also emotionally and mentally unstable.”

Philo Dre The Racial, Moral, and Ethical Considerations for Abortion (undated)  46 – 47

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Pro-Choice man: Abortion is a handy “escape hatch” for men

A man who identified  himself only as CH wrote about the reasons he loves abortion:

“Abortion is a handy dandy escape hatch for men.

Sure, men aren’t the ultimate judge, jury and executioner of the fetus; that is a special privilege afforded only women — for now. (I’d like to see men have the legal right to abort their financial responsibility for any unwanted pregnancies. In the interest of fairness, you see.) But men have the next best thing — an open invitation and legal sanction for women to do the dirty work and absolve them of 18 years of imprisonment. It’s a bit of a crapshoot to rely on a woman’s whim, but it’s leagues better than accidentally impregnating a woman and having zero recourse to rectify the situation…. Pro-choice means pro-player….

Abortion keeps a woman’s body looking hot. Nuff said.”

CH “Why I Love Abortion” Château Heartiste June 4, 2008, visited February 19, 2018

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