Former abortion nurse describes how she disposed of “fetal remains” i.e. aborted children:
I used a simple kitchen strainer, over a sink, and sifted through the contents of the collection jar after an abortion. I had to make certain all the body parts of the baby were accounted for. The garbage disposal was available and used for the placenta and any other tissue that had fallen into the sink. At that time, I was instructed to place the babies into a simple plastic container and packaged to be sent to a lab for disposal. The clinic reportedly hired a company which would send a truck to pick up the babies. Maybe this is a way the state could tell the abortionist how to dispose of the bodies.
Nurse Misty Coburn. who worked at Fort Wayne Women’s Health Organization, an abortion facility
“Fetal Remains Bill Clears Senate Hearing” Indiana Right to Life February 18, 2015
Quoted in Sarah Terzo “Abortion facility workers explain how they disposed of aborted babies” Live Action News March 15, 2017
They were tiny arms, legs, finger and toes.
See pictures of what fetal remains (aborted babies) look like here
Read more about what happens to the bodies of aborted children.
The “fetal remains’ above are the legs of an 8 week old aborted child. This is around the time when most abortions are performed. So this was what Nurse Coburn was sifting through.
Abortions are legal at 20 weeks in many states. At this stage, fetal remains are very developed. Nevertheless, they are treated the same way.
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