Former Clinic Worker: Deborah Edge

Deborah Edge left the abortion business after working at a clinic for 17 years. Here is part of her testimony that appeared on on May 3, 2013 (I Worked at an Abortion Clinic Like Gosnell’s House of Horrors)

“I looked in the paper and saw a doctor’s office in need of a bilingual receptionist, someone who could schedule appointments for patients – it was perfect for me. I didn’t realize it was an abortion clinic.


As happens with a lot of abortion clinic employees who are hired to do one thing but are recruited into another, my scheduling position evolved into doing work in the lab.  “Lab” is where we sorted through the parts of the aborted child to make sure they were all accounted for and nothing was left inside the patient.

84 day old unborn baby

I also did counseling and somehow stomached the excuses women had to abort – for many it was because the baby was a girl and they wanted a boy while others it was because of a fetal defect and others because they didn’t want another child.

10 weeks

My conscience bothered me at times and I would secretly try to change the patient’s mind during counseling.

One woman came in who was pregnant with twins and already had another child. I just couldn’t counsel her to choose abortion and told her that there are other options. She chose to keep the twins and saw me a couple years later and told me how grateful she was for my advice and that her children were her joy.

As time went by I learned every position in the clinic and the doctor trusted me. However, he was always in a bad mood and rude to patients and employees. He referred to the larger women as cows or whales. I hated how he treated everyone and left but went back because I needed the money.


I tried to soothe my soul by comforting these women during their abortions or helping them with rides to the airport or bus and even had a few stay at my home because they had no extra money for hotels.

But I saw more things that made me question why I was working there. I saw the doctor increasing prices for no reason, making pregnancies look larger on the ultra sound to charge more. I saw him charge women for being overweight, on medication by a primary doctor, for having had previous C-sections, for having a tilted uterus, and many other reasons he just made up.

But even worse than lying to the women or dealing with a cranky boss was what I saw during the abortions. I was the doctor’s right hand person in the operating room and just like those employees of Dr. Gosnell, I saw the abortionist puncture the soft spot in the baby’s head or snip its neck if it was delivered alive.

22-24 weeks

She then goes on to describe how she got a flyer about ATTWN, Abby Johnson’s ministry to clinic workers, and responded to it. Read the rest of this testimony:


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