Pro-Choice: Abortion kills a human being, but should be legal

Mark Mercer; a professor in the Department of Philosophy at Saint Mary’s University:

“At conception comes a new human being.

Abortion, then, involves the killing of a human being. But that abortion involves the deliberate killing of a human being is no reason for abortion to be illegal. Nor should one be morally troubled by it….

A human fetus… though human, has only a rudimentary awareness of its environment and lacks self consciousness entirely. It has no interest in living, for it can have no interests at all.

Because a fetus is not a person, killing a fetus is not killing a person.”

Pro-Abort Professor: Abortion Involves Deliberate Killing? That’s Still Not A Reason To Be Morally Troubled.” Stand Your Ground MAY 6, 2010

Accessed 10/6/2015

16 week fetus (is this a person?)
16 week fetus (is this a person?)
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Author: Sarah

Sarah Terzo is a pro-life writer and blogger. She is on the board of The Consistent Life Network and PLAGAL +

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