Sue, who had an abortion at 15, says the following:
“I was sent to the Family Planning Center for help; well, they helped me all right, so much so they had me booked in for an abortion the next day.
Their reasons were I could not take care of myself let alone a baby. I had no permanent home, and to even think of keeping “it” was totally selfish on my part. They gave me no options and no information; my rights as a human being were not valid because of who I was, just another stupid teenager who got pregnant.
I wanted so much to talk to someone, maybe someone would say, “Don’t do it, I will help you through,” or maybe, “You can keep your baby, there is help available and there are people who care,” but instead I was herded into a room with about ten other girls like cattle and spoken to like I was a piece of dirt and treated as such.”
Melinda Tankard-Reist “This Wasn’t Really Counseling At All” Raising Questions About “Choice” and Pre-Abortion Counseling” From Giving Sorrow Words: The Unspoken Pain of Abortion
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