Planned Parenthood Opposes Giving Women Options

Louisiana requires abortion clinics to post signs giving women more information and telling them they cannot be coerced into an abortion against their will.

Here is the sign:

How could abortion clinics have a problem with this? After all, don’t clinics counsel their abortion patients and tell them these things anyway? Apparently not. Planned Parenthood fought this law – they called the signs “offensive.”

Why does Planned Parenthood consider it offensive to tell a woman she cannot be coerced into an abortion she doesn’t want? What are they find unacceptable that she be offered options, told her there is help for her if she chooses not to have an abortion? If they are pro-choice, why are they upset with the sign?

Steven Ertelt . Innovative Pro-Life Law Uses Phones, Computers to Help Women” LifeNews  July 4, 2011

For more information about abortion the quality of counseling in abortion clinics, go here

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Author: Sarah

Sarah Terzo is a pro-life writer and blogger. She is on the board of The Consistent Life Network and PLAGAL +

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