Planned Parenthood and adoption advice

A prolife woman did an experiment. She called Planned Parenthood clinics and asked for information about adoption. This is what she found:

“I contacted six Planned Parenthood offices located in towns or cities with a population of 50,000 or more, all within a 250 mile radius. All gave me similar information. None of the Planned Parenthood representatives in any of these offices could offer me concrete assistance in my adoption request. Each representative told me I could contact children’s services or I could make an appointment to visit their Planned Parenthood office to receive information on all my options. In one city, the representative said if I visited their office and decided on adoption, she would give me a number to call for discussing adoption choices. When I asked for the name and number on the phone, the woman indicated I would have to schedule an appointment, insisting I needed to sit down with someone to review the options.… If Planned Parenthood claims its greatest concern is family planning and ensuring a loving home for all children, then why could they provide the only with the same assistance I could have just as easily found looking in the Yellow Pages?”

Phoebe Lee Casualties of Indulgence: from Life to Aborted (New York: Writer’s Showcase, 2001) 53 – 55

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Author: Sarah

Sarah Terzo is a pro-life writer and blogger. She is on the board of The Consistent Life Network and PLAGAL +

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