Abortion is Profitable

Associate Editor Meredith Oakley’s column entitled: Abortion business is profitable states,

“Abortion, you see, is something of a cash cow at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, the facility against which abortion opponents filed a lawsuit in 1991 on the ground that UAMS was violating the amended Arkansas Constitution by performing abortions for reasons other than to save mothers’ lives. According to testimony by Dr. Harry Ward, the UAMS chancellor, the abortion program is self-supporting. Indeed, thanks to the exorbitant rates imposed on the paying customers, the UAMS abortion program generates enough profit to cover the debts of the non-paying customers. Consider last week’s (State Court opinion, on funding of abortion with tax dollars) : “It appears that the charges billed by UAMS far exceed costs, since full-pay patients cover the costs of those patients who do not pay.” The opinion noted that UAMS charged $ 2,500 for an abortion through June 1, 1992, but later raised the charge to $ 4,000. Not only is the state still in the abortion business, it’s doing very, very well.”

Arkansas Democrat-Gazette ,Abortion business is profitable: 5-11-1997

For more quotes about how abortion is profitable, go here.

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Author: Sarah

Sarah Terzo is a pro-life writer and blogger. She is on the board of The Consistent Life Network and PLAGAL +

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