Former Abortion Worker from Chula Vista Abortion Clinic Tells of What She Saw

12 week sonogram

“When they’re about 12 weeks, then the doctor takes the baby out with forceps. He takes the baby out in pieces. He checks each part and he places each one in a tray down below. When he finishes the procedure, I have to drain everything. We drain it to separate body parts from blood. We place all the parts in a jar that goes to the laboratory. It’s impressive how well-defined they are. You can’t believe what you are seeing. You see perfect little hands, tinier than those of a Barbie doll. You can see intestines, tiny ribs, their little faces, and their tiny squashed heads. You can distinguish among the parts if the baby was a boy or girl…. It makes me so sad to see the jars. It’s very hard for me to do all this. To see all that falls on the floor, or for example, to remove a tiny foot from the instruments. A girl who worked here told me that she came home with a tiny foot stuck to her uniform, close to her shoulder.

12 weeks foot

She, of course, hadn’t noticed until her husband told her…When the patient is more than three months pregnant, we have to prepare her so that she can come back the next day when she is dilated. The really large terminations are impressive. I have seen three fetuses come out whole. In one instance, you could see the little hand coming out of the uterus. The little hand was moving. But the most impressive thing was the baby that came out breathing. That time, the doctor got sick. The girl lived in Tijuana. They put dilators in her for two days. The baby was five and a half months.

five months

She didn’t have a car and came walking to the clinic. Then it seemed like she was going through labor. When the doctor started to work on her, the baby came out without any help. The child came out breathing and died right there….Since a few days ago, a substitute doctor has been coming in. He’s younger and has a different technique. He doesn’t scrape the uterus, he just uses the vacuum. Last Sunday, he couldn’t take it any more because we did some rather large terminations, around four months. He used a technique I hadn’t seen. He divided the ultrasound screen in two parts and used an apparatus during the entire procedure. Usually, what you see with the ultrasound is the child sucking his finger, or playing, but on this occasion when the doctor began vacuuming, you could see the baby was moving as if he hurt because it was pulling him or tearing something off. It was horrible, horrible.”

Clinic Worker

Miguel Vasquez “It was Horrible! Horrible! A First-Hand Account of What Goes on Inside a Chula Vista Clinic” San Diego News Notes

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2 thoughts on “Former Abortion Worker from Chula Vista Abortion Clinic Tells of What She Saw”

  1. There is no words that can express how sad I am right now. Thank you so much for your courage and sharing what you saw… People need to know. I feel very convicted right now. By not doing anything, I am in a sense agreeing in those horrifying murders. God have mercy on our nation! What can I do to help? I live in SD. Any ideas? You must be carrying such a heavy burden… Just know that there is freedom in Jesus Christ.
    Thanks again for sharing, I don’t think my life will ever be the same after reading your article.

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