This is an older study, but I think it’s still relevant.
As quoted in the book Abortion Debate in the United States and Canada:
“It is predicted that if those who hold mixed stands about abortion are excluded, the remaining consistent supporters and opponents of abortion should show equal strength of feelings with regard to their respective positions.
Findings do not support this prediction: opponents of abortion are far more likely than proponents to regard the abortion issue as important. This finding holds true when religious affiliation is controlled.”
Maureen Muldoon Abortion Debate in the United States and Canada (New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1991) 33
Cites: Jacqueline Scott and Howard Shuman “Attitude Strength and Social Action in the Abortion Dispute” American Sociological Review 53, 5, October 1988, 785 – 793
Pro-Lifers are more passionate about their beliefs.
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