While only 4% of all abortions happen between 16 and 20 weeks, the numbers add up. There are approximately 53,760 of these abortions a year. The vast majority are on healthy mothers carrying healthy babies.
This factors down to
4,480 a month,
1,120 a week,
and 160 a day.
(“Abortion Surveillance – United States 2001” November 2004 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Centers for Disease Control)
Here is a healthy child at 20 weeks
And here are some aborted babies at this age.
Thinking of having an abortion? Want to talk to someone? Go here or dial 1 800 395 HELP.All calls confidential. For a directory of pregnancy centers that can help you, worldwide, go here. and if for whatever reason they can’t help you, you can also try this directory.
Birthright is another excellent organization that helps women considering abortion. They have many centers throughout the world. They are not affiliated with any religion. I called them once. When I told them I was pro-life, they made a point to tell me they were “not political” They will not try to sway your decision.
If you have had an abortion and need support, here are some links for you to try.
Note: if you have come here considering an abortion, please consider reading some of the stories of women who have had them. Go to Women’s Stories section.
In addition, every woman has a right to know the risks of any type of surgery. Abortion clinics and organizations such as Planned Parenthood make a great deal of money off of performing abortions. They may not always give accurate information about abortion’s risks.
A number of studies have been done over the past thirty years. Many of these studies have appeared in very highly respected medical journals.
For example, a study in BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, in 2006 found that an abortion raises the risk of a future miscarriage by 60%.
Researchers say this is due to the fact that forced dilation can weaken the cervix, which may cause it to give way in future pregnancies, as well as the possibility of uterine scarring. For the same reasons, other studies have shown that ectopic (or tubal) pregnancies and premature births in future pregnancy are also more common among women who have had abortions. Premature birth can cause disabilities in future children.
In addition, a study in Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners recorded that one in ten abortion patients faces immediate complications after surgery, with one fifth of those being life-threatening.
Several studies have linked abortion to problems in relationships. For example, one study in The Journal of Public Health.
In another study that appeared in International Review of Family Planning (Vincent M. Rue “Abortion in Relationship Context” International Review of Natural Family Planning Summer 1985 p 105) 70% of relationships ended within six months of a woman’s abortion.
Note: Some Pictures are labeled by fetal age. In an abortion clinic, length of pregnancy may be determined by the time since the woman’s last menstrual period (LMP) However, conception occurs two weeks after the period ends. Therefore, the age of the unborn baby is two weeks less than the stated time of pregnancy.
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dismemberment abortions are sick, that’s how traitors were killed in Medieval times.
I hated seeing the words liberty and care, kind of ironic.
This is disgusting how could any human being with a heart have any part in this