Woman chooses life after seeing “little human” on ultrasound

A woman went to Planned Parenthood to get an abortion, partly due to health problems she had. But she saw her baby on the ultrasound:

“I had convinced myself at first to get an abortion.  I talked myself into it thinking it was justifiable because of my injuries and how hard it would be on me.  And the list of how easy it would be on me was long if I just got an abortion.”

Planned Parenthood allowed her to see the sonogram image of her 10 week old baby. Perhaps the law in her state required her to be shown the ultrasound:

“After first visiting an Ob/gyn, I went to one appointment at Planned Parenthood, without telling anyone I was going.  At the first appointment, I was 10 weeks along.  They performed an ultrasound and I saw the baby — I saw that at just 10 weeks, she looked human. …I made the follow up appointment for a couple days later to have the “procedure done.”


She went back to the abortion clinic twice, but each time returned home without having the abortion. Finally, she decided to keep her baby after looking again at the printed ultrasound picture:

“I looked at the ultrasound photo from three days prior, saw the little human, and just started to cry.

I realized I had made so many “me” and “I” statements.  I am poor, living on V.A. disability.  I found a bunch of reasons to not have this baby.  But as I sat there, I realized I made a choice to have sex — the baby did not ask to be here.  At that moment, I realized, “Who am I to pick which of my kids lives and which one dies?”  It wasn’t as simple as a “procedure,” and that was the thing — I was going to kill a baby.  The baby has a heartbeat, a face, fingers and toes.”

She named her daughter Alexia Grace.

LAUREN LEE  “I Was on the Way to the Abortion Clinic to Abort My Baby, Then This Happened” LifeNews  SEP 22, 2014

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Author: Sarah

Sarah Terzo is a pro-life writer and blogger. She is on the board of The Consistent Life Network and PLAGAL +

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