Grandmother mourns her aborted child

A grandmother was pregnant herself when her 18-year-old son came to her and told her that his 17-year-old girlfriend was pregnant. Initially, it appeared that the girl planned to keep her baby. But her parents pressured her to have an abortion, and she eventually agreed.

“I tried my hardest to talk to her and told her I would support and help her as much as she needed, to no avail. I held her hand as I begged her for the life of my grandchild, but the limp clammy hand signalled it was falling on deaf ears.

I got home from work one Sunday evening to find my 18 year old son sobbing uncontrollably as he told me the abortion was scheduled for the next day. I held him in my arms and sobbed with him. He wrote the most beautiful poem to his unborn child (he believed God had shown him it was a daughter) … it was written in love and a broken heart, and to this day, tears my heart out. I pleaded with God the whole night for the life of this child, my own baby kicking in my belly… I knew there was nothing I could do…

Every November I remember that day, and every beginning of June I think of how old she would be now, just 2 months younger than my own daughter. I know I will see her one day, and I know my son and I did all we could, but the loss is still palpable.”

Cassy Fiano “Abortion robs grandparents, too: ‘I think of how old she would be now’ Live Action News March 19, 2018

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Author: Sarah

Sarah Terzo is a pro-life writer and blogger. She is on the board of The Consistent Life Network and PLAGAL +

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