George Will discusses pro-choice censorship when 16,500 bodies of aborted babies found

When 16,500 bodies of aborted babies were discovered in a storage container outside of a medical laboratory, some weighing as much as 4 pounds, news photographers who came to the scene were not permitted to take pictures. Later, photographs were obtained from a Los Angeles pathologist who examined the babies’ bodies. No legal action was taken. Washington Post columnist George Will made these observations:

Remains of baby aborted at 20 weeks. This child was torn apart by the abortion instruments
Remains of baby aborted at 20 weeks. This child was torn apart by the abortion instruments

“Most proabortion persons have a deeply felt understandable need to keep the discussion of abortion as abstract as possible. They become bitter when opponents use photographs to document early fetal development. The sight of something that looks so much like a child complicates the task of trying to believe that there is nothing there but “potential” life. And if fetal pain is acknowledged, America has a problem. It’s uneasy conscience about 1.6 million abortions a year [as of 1981, the number of abortions have dropped since] depends on the supposition that such pain is impossible.”

George Will “Abortion Painful for the Aborted” The Washington Post, November 5, 1981

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Author: Sarah

Sarah Terzo is a pro-life writer and blogger. She is on the board of The Consistent Life Network and PLAGAL +

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