Abortion doctors and sexist remarks

From Merle Hoffman, who co-founded and ran an abortion clinic for many years, talks about sexist remarks from abortion doctors:

“… some doctors would make blatantly sexist remarks. “Come on, you knew how to spread your legs before you got here, you can spread them for the exam,” a doctor once chided. Another commanded a patient to keep still, saying, “Keep your backside on the table – you should know pretty well how to do that by now.”

Merle Hoffman Intimate Wars: the Life and Times of the Woman Who Brought Abortion from the Back Alley to the Board Room (New York: Feminist Press, 2012) 76 – 77

This is a pro-choice book where Hoffman defends her career as an abortion provider.

You can see how these doctors are not exactly champions of women’s rights. Women who go in for abortions are often already feeling emotional and scared and being emotionally abused only leads to them having more traumatic experiences. It is clear that these doctors are not motivated by wanting to help women. Perhaps it is the money they can make doing abortions that motivates them. 

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Abortion doctors “ignore” patients

“Some doctors tended to initiate small talk with the counselors and essentially ignore the patients: most counselors felt that this was insensitive: “she’s lying on the table having an abortion… She doesn’t want to hear what you did with your boyfriend last weekend.”

Carole Joffe The Regulation of Sexuality: Experiences of Family-Planning Workers (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1986) 97

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Nurses “excited” by injuries to women

The following quote was in a book written by a pro-choice writer who interviewed clinic workers and spent time observing abortions in a busy clinic. She quotes the director of nursing talking about how nurses actually enjoyed it when women suffered injuries and complications from their abortions:

“In some ways it is very boring, these abortions — the same thing day after day. In fact the nurses are excited about complications because it’s something different.”

A Director of Nursing at an abortion facility

Magna Denes, In Necessity and Sorrow, New York: Basic Books. Inc.. 1976

This shows a remarkable callousness towards their patients, the very women they are supposed to be serving.

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Abortion Doctor Mocks Patient

A clinic worker told pro-life author Randy Alcorn the following story:

“One day the doctor was in a hurry to go play golf. The poor woman was crying because he was rushing the procedure to dilate her cervix. She was in a lot of pain and really afraid. He got angry and told her, “Spread your legs! You’ve obviously spread them for someone else, now spread them for me.”

Randy Alcorn “Pro-life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments” (Sisters, Oregon: Multnomah Publishers, 2000)


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Abortion Clinic Worker: Staff Was “Callous”

“I quit my job at the clinic to write my dissertation but also because I had enough of the clinic. I didn’t consider it to be a feminist place. While the clients got adequate medical care and the counselors were solicitous, I thought the staff, in general was overly directive, paternalistic, and even callous at times.”

Wendy Simonds. Abortion at Work: Ideology and Practice in a Feminist Clinic (New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1996) page 7

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Abortion Clinic Owner Badmouths Her Patients

Sometimes abortion providers seem to show contempt for the very women are supposed to be serving. A clinic owner and administrator of two clinics, said the following about her abortion patients:

“Most of them don’t think [they] can take care of a child or another child or not mentally able at this time to take care of a child. Some are not the brightest light bulb. They’re really kind of “blank.”

James D Slack Abortion, Execution, and the Consequences of Taking Life (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 2009) 73

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Article in the Boston Globe on Abortion Clinic Reveals Contempt for Patients

An article in The Boston Globe said that one clinic employee (Howard J. Silverman, who owns Repro Associates abortion clinic in Brookline) prepared a woman for an abortion by saying:

“getting into the position that got you here.”

“Board OKs claims against doctor” Boston Globe August 2, 1989

for more examples of abortionists showing contempt for their patients, go here



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Abortion Doctor Shows Contempt for Patient

In Don Sloan, M.D. with Paula Hartz, Abortion: a Doctor’s Perspective, a Woman’s Dilemma (New York: Donald I Fine Inc., 1992) 234 – 235

The following story was told to Dr. Sloan:

“The people in the [abortion clinic]office seemed real nice, so I was kind of surprised by this guy. He kind of leered at me, you know? But at the same time he really had an attitude – like I was dirt or something. I thought, was it cause I’m black? But I think it was just him.

He said, “Get your things off and lie down.” And I’m thinking isn’t there a gown or something? I was standing right there. So I asked for someplace to change and he said, “Do it in here. We have to get this over with.” But he gave a sheet to wrap up in, which was clean, at least.

When I went to put my feet in the stirrups, my legs were too long. And while he’s adjusting them, he’s making these cute little remarks about my legs and my nail polish. I’d already paid, and I wanted to get it over with too, or I’d have been out of there, I swear. I was that angry.

It hurt – a lot. And I could hear the suction thing – it was real loud, and it was like it was sucking out my whole insides. I kept asking questions, and the whole time he didn’t say one thing. Just ignored me.

When I got up, I felt sort of faint, and there was blood running down my leg. I showed him, and he said it was nothing. But when I went to get my clothes, the blood was getting on the floor. And he said to me, “You’re dirtying things up. Get back up here.” He did some more stuff, and I heard the machine again. It didn’t hurt as much, though, or maybe I was just so out of it I didn’t care.”

He gestured at her to get up again, and this time he gave her a sanitary napkin. “You know how to use these things, I suppose?” he sneered.”

While not all abortion providers treat women badly, there are some that do treat women with disrespect and brusqueness or even outright hostility. You can and learn more about incidents like this one here.

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Abortionist Says Abortion Doesn’t “Enhance the Patient’s Dignity As a Person”

Roe versus Wade mandated that abortion must be legal, a matter Between “a woman and her doctor”. In reality, most women barely see the doctor who performs their abortion. Often they see him for 5 min. as he suctions out their uterus, and not at all before or after. The doctor does not get to know the woman. All he sees of her is her draped body and her sexual parts exposed for him to operate on. As one abortionist says. Perhaps this explains why so many abortionists seem to show contempt for their patients, and why so many abortionists botch these procedures – they don’t care about the women the way other doctors do, doctors who get to know the woman as a whole person.

“In many clinic settings, the patient does not meet the physician until she is undressed except for an examining gown. Some physicians even require, or clinics arrange, that the patient be in a lithotomy position when the physician enters the room. This procedure does not enhance the patient’s dignity as a person, and it does not encourage recognition of the patient as a person by the physician.”

Warren Hern Abortion Practice (Boulder, CO: Alpengo Graphics, INC, 1990) 91

Quoted by Life Dynamics

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Clinic Escort Service at Odds with Dr. Tiller

Former clinic employee Luhra Tivis mentioned that the person in charge of the escort service organized by the local NOW at Dr. Tiller’s clinic “stopped the escort service because she went with him while he did some abortions, accompanied him, and didn’t like the way he treated the women. Real rough, and arrogant, and not respecting their privacy.”

MacNair says:

That NOW chapter still refused to run an article against him in their local newsletter, however. There was no warning to women of what they were facing to come from them

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